Docs Hotkey


Docs Hotkey is a free, open-source Chrome extension that allows users to create custom keyboard shortcuts for formatting in Google Docs. Originally, it was made solely to add a highlighting shortcut, but other formatting shortcuts have since been added. Docs Hotkey can currently:

  • Highlight in any color
  • Bold
  • Underline
  • Italicize
  • Change text color
  • Change fonts
  • Change font size
  • Set heading type (e.g., Heading 1, Normal Text, Title)
  • Clear all styles (and remove specific styles)
  • Execute add-ons


Docs Hotkey is published on the Chrome Web Store here . After installing the extension or updating a hotkey, you may need to refresh any Google Docs tabs. Docs Hotkey never sends any of your data out of your computer.

Building from source

If you'd like to build Docs Hotkey from its source code, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from Github with the command git clone
  2. Install Node.js .
  3. Install the project's dependencies with npm install
  4. Compile the project by executing npm run build
  5. Go to chrome://extensions .
  6. Click "Load unpacked" and select the "build" folder in the Docs Hotkey directory.